Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Human Resource Management and behaviour theories Essay

Human Resource Management and behaviour theories - Essay Example According to the study conducted it can be noted that the HRM landscape is changing due to various internal as well as external pressures. This can be illustrated by aspects related to HRM performance, HRM best practice as well as strategic human resources management. On the other hand, it can also be said that the changing HRM landscape is closely tied to the aspect of organisation or employee behaviour hence the HR manager has a significant role in deciding the intervention mechanisms that may be considered in using key performance management tools to drive organisational performance. Thus, the manager has a role to identify the needs of the employees and try to fulfill them in a bid to enhance their performance and the organisation as a whole. Strategic human resource management theorists confirm that human resources practices transform into high-performance work practices if HRM and organisation behaviour frameworks have been propagated. It is also believed that there is a correl ation between HRM practices such as recruitment and selection, employee training and development and employee/organisational behaviour tools such as motivation, employee engagement, empowerment and commitment. According to Combs et al, the Human resources are considered to be effectual and liable for company’s growth and progression, lead to increase in productivity and will surely control the costs as well. As such, this essay seeks to critically evaluate the influence of HRM practices and organisational behaviour on organisational performance.... According to Combs et al (2006), the Human resources are considered to be effectual and liable for company’s growth and progression, lead to increase in productivity and will surely control the costs as well. As such, this essay seeks to critically evaluate the influence of HRM practices and organisational behaviour on organisational performance. The changing HRM landscape organisational behaviour rhetoric The changing landscapes of HRM and organization behavior rhetoric have evolved over time and have had a significant impact on the performance of the employees as well as the organisation as a whole. Earlier, personnel management was primarily concerned with influencing the efforts of the employees towards the attainment of the company’s goals of realizing its profits and the needs of the employees as well as aspects related to their behavior were not given significant priority. During the current period, it can be noted that HRM turns out to be a supporting pillar for the employees and look towards their betterment. Changing HRM landscape leads to tremendous change in the way organisations operate and the managers have a duty to look for these changes. Thus, Michael & Susan (2008) suggest that HR professionals are constantly challenged to meet three competing aims: Striving to be cost effective by reducing the cost of operating services to meet the increasing demands of line managers and employees address the strategic objective of organization Apart from these various influences such as, adoption of technology in HR practices, outsourcing, transactional or routine activities, allocating more responsibilities to line managers are some of the factors characterizing the changing landscape of

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