Tuesday, December 24, 2019

small families - 802 Words

DR : Yusuf Abdikarim Wardere THE BRITISH UNIVERSITY IN EGYPT Should a proper Family be small? Small families or big families are better? there is a big differing s between small and big families in terms of psychological ,economic and social live , most people in our day live to one or two children s compared with three or more back in the early 1960 .(American Academy Of Paediatrics , 2009) . Parent before they got married think to have a lot of kids something nice, but after the first child the understand the difficult of having a lot of children’s When a family have one†¦show more content†¦As we know the parents in those day speed a lot of money on the children s According to the USDA, a child born in 2011 will cost an average of $234,900 to raise to age 18. If your household income is over $100,000, you can raise that number to about $390,000. Yes, there are some savings after the first child (willies, The Economic Reason for having just one child, 2013) .so to have only one child is better for the parents because they can save and time, and no more pressure for the parents because they don t have a lot of kids Some people may still argue that the big family are better than small family because the child need someone from his age or little bigger so he can play with him and stay with him, and learn new things to gather brothers and sisters, also when the grow up they can become Source of income for the family or helping their parents in work. However, this argument could be easily refuted .those parents who have a lot of children s got a lot of pressure because the children s will fight and do some stuff annoying, also the children s from small families cannot get good education and that’s mean when the graduate they cannot find good jobs , and the cannot help their families, and maybe when the grow up they will get married so if they find a good jobs they will spend the money they make in their own families ,,and they will not go back and give the money to his parents ,because they got responsibility. Also t he children sShow MoreRelatedBig Family vs. Small Family583 Words   |  3 Pagesbest decisions for their children. One of those decisions is the size of the family. Parents have to choose what they think will be better for the kids and themselves. I believe that larger families are better than small families. 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