Thursday, October 17, 2019

Extinction of Species Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Extinction of Species - Research Paper Example The recent times have shown alarming increase in the extinction rates and the speed at which the endangered species are falling victim to the human activities. Considering this, need is felt for creating awareness, and taking solid steps in this regard to promote eco friendly activities and protect the wild life for activities as such that endanger them directly. This paper aims at highlighting the sources of problem, their consequences, and the solutions finally. Polar bears: The polar bears are characteristic feature and species of North Pole. With ever rising temperatures and melting ice glaciers, these polar bears are directly exposed to it and included in the list of extinct species. An inter related process which includes the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by human activities namely the transportation means and industries which are increasing the global temperature and directly affecting the North Pole temperatures. The rapid destruction of ozone layer is another means of extinction of animals and birds. Some animals like polar bear need severe cold temperatures and piles of glacier to survive. With increase in temperatures the toll falls directly on the sensitive creatures. As the population grows, the mankind expands its grip on different lands and areas which were once thick forests and house of wild life. As a result of all this, the wild life is getting compromised and their resorts are getting minimal every growing day. The population growth means more demand for land and apparently more forest cutting. The population of the earth is rising at a staggering rate and has surpassed a seven billion digit quite easily. With population rise arises a natural demand for space and human population utilization. Hence a direct threat and sword at the forests. With increase in population means increase in the demands, increase in the resources exploration and naturally disturbances of the natural stratosphere for fulfilling

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