Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Implementing change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Implementing change - Research Paper Example This is because changes in office can bring about stress and anxiety among the employees (Rothwell, 2001). There are a number of ways that a manager can use to successfully implement changes in the department. Communication in any organization is vital. It is the role of the managers to ensure that communication channels are followed and the right message is conveyed and in time. As a manager, therefore, if there are changes in the organization that might either in the short run or long run affect one’s specific department, it is vital to make the communication to the workers in that department in time. Earlier information helps to ease the effects of change. Embrace the positive sides of the change and share it with your workers. When the employees see that their leader is positive with the upcoming change, then they will accept. This thus results to good performance within the said department. When the changes are focusing to a specific department, it can be a source of conflicts and disagreements between the employees from the other departments. It is the duty of the manager to explain to all other workers why the change is focusing a particular department and not all. This is to help curb the feeling of unfairness among the workers, (Britain, 2007). After giving out the necessary information regarding the change, invite suggestions from the employees. Also, let them ask questions regarding the upcoming changes and answer them appropriately. Communication helps in making the transition smooth. When communicating about the change, it is important to give a timeframe of when it is going to happen. Delay on implementation may raise anxiety among the employees. Have goals that are timely and learn to keep promises, (Rothwell, 2001). In case the change is not implemented as earlier stated, inform your employees and give reasons behind the delay. Mange well the department changes and make everyone

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